Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay on The Positive Relationship Between Science and...

The Positive Relationship Between Science and Religion Introduction: Throughout history we can find many instances where religion was strongly opposed to scientific research. For example, the Catholic Church’s objection to Galileo’s defense of Copernicus’ heliocentric model where he offered his observations that he felt furthered the theory that the planets revolved around the Sun. At that time, the belief that the Holy Scriptures were perhaps inaccurate was one thing, but attempting to confirm it as Galileo tried to do was a completely different issue and resulted in Galileo being forbidden by the Church to write or teach his findings. Another example is the opposition to Darwin’s theory of evolution by the majority of the†¦show more content†¦When reading specific verses of the Qur’an it appears that in fact these scientific studies in astronomy would serve to confirm God’s greatness and the validity of the Qur’an. For example; Quran (10:101)2 states: Behold all that is In the heavens and on earth; But neither Signs nor Warners Profit those who believe not.† Ibn al-Haytham’s research into astronomy was celebrated as a way to follow the Qur’an’s directive concerning prayer and religious observance of Ramadan (Gingerich 1986) which was dependent on the correct interpretation of the phases of the moon to correctly determine when the holy month was to occur. The study of the skies allowed Muslims to create a calendar that would reflect in more detail how observant Muslims should practice the Qur’an commands including the direction prayer should be toward, what time of year should Muslims participate in the Haji, and where to position the entrance for a mosque. The Christian and Hebrew calendars did not correlate the new moon with the beginning of the month as the Muslims did and therefore did not allow adherence to the Qur’an when it stated â€Å"They ask thee concerning the New Moons. Say: They are but signs to mark fixed periods of time in (the affairs of) men, and for Pilgrimage. It is no virtue if ye enter your houses from the back: It is virtue if ye fear Allah. Enter houses through the proper doors: AndShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Science and Religion Essay1387 Words   |  6 Pages The relationship between science and religion has been debated for many years. With strong personal opinions and beliefs, it is not surprising that no progress has been made in this argument. In my opinion, I feel as though religion and science have to be related in some way. There is no possible way people can separate two things that attempt to prove the same facts. My belief is that a metaphorical bridge has to be formed to connect the two. Personally, I feel as though science can be aRead MoreCoe of Ethics1625 Words   |  7 PagesThere are many healthcare organizations that follow their own mission with ethical values and company goals. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Tough Approach On Crime Control Essay - 1037 Words

The â€Å"get tough approach† to crime control has been prevalent since the 1960s. This approach takes the stance to a more firm and no tolerance policy against crime, hence the term â€Å"tough† in the actual title. â€Å"Tough crime control normally denotes more emphasis on police resources, faster apprehension of criminals, quick trials, and more severe sentences for guilty offenders† (Skoler 1971:29). The â€Å"get tough approach† emphasizes the need to arrest and punish criminals over rehabilitation and addressing the social factors that underlie criminal behavior (Barkan and Bryjak 2011). Deterrence of other criminals through severe punishments is the primary focus. The â€Å"get tough approach† of criminal justice institutions has been under scrutiny due to the outcomes that we will discuss further on. The purpose of this paper is to simply present the pros and cons that have resulted from the â€Å"get tough approach† on crime. The paper will try and remain completely unbiased to the â€Å"get tough approach† and solely focus on results that have come from said approach. We will begin by discussing the background and history of the â€Å"get tough approach† and what led to its development. We will then discuss things such as incarceration rates (US Department of Justice), crime rates (Dilulio 1995) juveniles in prison (Hinton 2015), policies that have been implemented (Shephard 2002), correctional costs, and destabilized urban neighborhoods (Barkan Bryjak 2011; Black 2007; Mauer 2006) that resultShow MoreRelatedThe State Based Justice System1550 Words   |  7 Pagesdeveloped state, crime and social order was maintained through informal social controls, such as ridicule and expulsion. Behaviour was controlled through norms and strong desires to maintain in-group conformity and solidarity. These societies had no centralized agent for formal control. This was known as community justice (Griffiths , 2011, p. 13). As societies developed and evolved, the informal community justice system was replaced by the formal state based justice system. As a result, crime was enforcedRead MoreThe Issue Of Juvenile Internment1606 Words   |  7 Pageson the edge, the ones for whom violence and arrest, addiction or death, are clearly in the cards, but still-perhaps-avoidable, (Humes 232). How can a child’s right to liberty, her parent’s right to act as guardian and the states interest to prevent crime be balanced with regard to status offenses. Although the original parens patriae stressed individual rehabilitation, primitive psychological knowledge combined with a concern of external scrutiny left most forms of juvenile internment seeming retributiveRead MoreThe Use Of Force And Gender Symmetry1493 Words   |  6 Pagesbattering against their current of former female partners much more often being victims of battering. The findings are consistent with findings from national crime survey data, revealing that women s use force is often in self-defense, retaliation, or to express anger, stress or frustration, whereas men s use of violence is often to control and exercise power over their partners. Thus, the motivation for violence differs between men and women. Furthermore, the damage caused by women when using forceRead MoreIncreased Population of Prisons Essay1606 Words   |  7 Pagesenormous social issues for our government. The United States has seen steady growth in its prisons. A projected increment in seen due to â€Å"get-tough† policies that locks up offenders for longer sentences (Ohlemacher, 2007, para. 1). The correction system had been through various phases of transformation, and the government had been tough on crime; this approach had resulted in rising prison populations. There are many factors that cause overcrowding prisons in the United States. As a result, prisonersRead MoreThe United States Juvenile Justice Court Was Based O n The1325 Words   |  6 Pagesjuvenile offenders with institutional treatment with the houses of refuge and reformatories failed. Today, the United States has 51 different juvenile court systems; the laws and statutes vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Thus, each state’s approach to handle the youth offenders is responsible for how the youth offenders will experience the justice system. Both the past and the present approaches to deal with juvenile offenders have shaped today’s juvenile justice system. According to BartollasRead MoreCriminal Justice Systems And Its Effect On Parole Board1711 Words   |  7 Pagesto bring those offenders who commit crimes before the court of justice. In the assessment paper, observation was conducted through a range of scholarly research/ newspaper reports, articles, The age, Herald Sun, Victorian General news wires. Critical analysis , was also conducted to different issues, thus; Victorian government tougher sentencing on crimes to implement â€Å"law and order†, overcrowding prison, PSOs, mandatory sentencing, statistics approach, Meagher rape case and impact on paroleRead MoreOutgrowing Juvenile Justice: Jamal Vick Case Study Raises Essay606 Words   |  3 PagesIn Outgrowing Juvenile Justice, Michael Jonas (2001) raises several important issues concerning juvenile justice policies and practices. 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Various methodologies have been used to take on this problem and have had successful results (Spergel,1986). â€Å"The general idea is that if gang members will not respond to ordinary social agency programs, then the programs mustRead MoreAmericas War on Drugs - The Prison Industrial Complex Essay911 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican people and the devastating effect it has had on those in prison and the family members of those incarcerated. With Canadas Prime Minister Stephan Harper and his Conservative approach to follow in our bordering neighbors foot sets with the Safe Streets and Communities Act, and his get tough on crime approach Canadians are entering dangerous territory. America government is now warning the Canadian people that these harsher and more punitive laws against the war on drugs will only causeRead MoreGANG VIOLENCE AND HARSH PENALTIES1465 Words   |  6 Pagesothers, gang violence affects every American: either monetarily as a taxpayer or directly as a victim. Regardless, it is a concern of every individual; therefore, the criminal justice system has been addressing it for years in different ways. The approach of emphasizing harsh punishments has been implemented for quite some time now and it remains to be an accepted tactic. Despite its popularity, the implementation of harsh punishments has been shown to be counterproductive. It continues to spread

Friday, December 13, 2019

Point of Sales and Inventory System Free Essays

Communication -from Latin â€Å"communis†, meaning  to share) is the activity of conveying  information  through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behaviour. Communication requires a sender, a  message, and a recipient, although the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender’s intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality. We will write a custom essay sample on Point of Sales and Inventory System or any similar topic only for you Order Now The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the message of the sender. Communication is the process where the one person is expressing his or her idea and the other one is listening to the idea being expressed by the one who is talking. That is how you define communication. When this results to have an understanding to both of them, therefore there is already a communication. In other words, when a person is talking, the other person should listen so that he will understand to what the other person is talking about. When a person talks and nobody listens, then there is no communication happening because there is no understanding. The people just heard what the person in front of them is talking but they do not listen to it well that is why they do not understand about the topic. I will give you further examples for you to understand what communication is. Mass Communication -is the academic study of how individuals and entities relay information through  mass media  to large segments of the population at the same time. It is usually understood to relate to  newspaper  and  magazine  publishing,  radio,  television  and  film, as these are used both for disseminating  news  and for  advertising. Mass communication helps provide information, interpret it, create social awareness, and educate the masses. Mass communication research includes most of communication media institutions and processes such as diffusion of information, and media effects such as persuasion or manipulation of public opinion. In the United States, for instance, several university  departments were remodelled into schools or colleges of mass communication or â€Å"journalism and mass communication†. Levels of Communication 1) INTRAPERSONAL COMMUNICATION- is language use or thought internal to the communicator. Intrapersonal communication is the active internal involvement of the individual in symbolic processing of messages. The individual becomes his or her own sender and receiver, providing feedback to him or herself in an on-going internal process. It can be useful to envision intrapersonal communication occurring in the mind of the individual in a model which contains a sender, receiver, and feedback loop. 2) INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION- Interpersonal communication  is defined by communication scholars in numerous ways, though most definitions involve participants who are interdependent on one another, have a shared history. Communication channels are the medium chosen to convey the message from sender to receiver. Communication channels can be categorized into two main categories: Direct and Indirect channels of communication. Direct channels  are those that are obvious and can be easily recognized by the receiver. They are also under direct control of the sender. In this category are the verbal and non-verbal channels of communication. Verbal  communication channels are those that use words in some manner, such as written communication or spoken communication. Non-verbal  communication channels are those that do not require silly words, such as certain overt facial expressions, controllable body movements (such as that made by a traffic police to control traffic at an intersection), color (red for danger, green means go etc), sound (sirens, alarms etc. ). Indirect channels  are those channels that are usually recognized subliminally or subconsciously by the receiver, and not under direct control of the sender. This includes kinesics or body language, that reflects the inner emotions and motivations rather than the actual delivered message. It also includes such vague terms as â€Å"gut feeling†, â€Å"hunches† or â€Å"premonitions†. Channels  means mode of communicating the messages. Participants  is the communicators who are both senders and receivers. Context  refers to the interrelated condition of communication. It consists of such factors as:   Physical Milieu Balance of interpersonal communication 3. ) GROUP COMMUNICATION-  refers to the nature of communication that occurs in groups that are between 3 and 12 individuals. Small group communication generally takes place in a context that mixes interpersonal communication interactions with social clustering. 4. ) PUBLIC COMMUNICATION-  It’s at the heart of our economy, society, and politics. Studios use it to promote their films. Politicians use it to get elected. Businesses use it to burnish their image. Advocates use it to promote social causes. It’s a field built on ideas and images, persuasion and information, strategy and tactics. No policy or product can succeed without a smart message targeted to the right audience in creative and innovative ways. Modes of Communication amateurs use a variety of voice, text, image, and data communications modes over radio. Generally new modes can be tested in the amateur radio service, although national regulations may require disclosure of a new mode to permit radio licensing authorities to monitor the transmissions. Encryption, for example, is not generally permitted in the Amateur Radio service except for the special purpose of satellite vehicle control uplinks. The following is a partial list of the modes of communication used, where the mode includes both  modulation  types and operating protocols. History of Communication Dates back to prehistory, with significant changes in communication technologies (media and appropriate inscription tools) evolving in tandem with shifts in political and economic systems, and by extension, systems of power. [1]  Communication  can range from very subtle processes of exchange, to full  conversations  and  mass communication. Human communication was revolutionized with  speech  approximately 200,000 years ago]. Symbols  were developed about 30,000 years ago,[2]  and writing  about 7,000[On a much shorter scale, there have been major developments in the field of  telecommunication  in the past few centuries. Communication begins with language, the distinctive ability which has made possible the evolution of h uman society. With language any message, no matter how complex, can be conveyed between people over a limited distance – within a room or place of assembly, or across a short open space. In modern times ‘town criers’ hold an annual contest to discover which of them can shout a comprehensible message over the greatest distance. The world record is less than 100 metres. Already, at that short range, a more practical alternative is to run with the message. How to cite Point of Sales and Inventory System, Essay examples Point of Sales and Inventory System Free Essays â€Å"A Proposed Point of Sales and Inventory System for Wink Printer Solution† Wink Printer and Ink Services Older systems were all software-based and were imperfect in their design. Modern software systems have come a long way now that they are written like software and less like a function-specific operating system. The older POS solutions were limited to basic sales functions and did not leave room for addition sale options, like placing an item on layaway. We will write a custom essay sample on Point of Sales and Inventory System or any similar topic only for you Order Now Those older systems can still be found, but are slowly being phased out because of the advantages of the modern solutions. Convenience and broader potential are the biggest differences and are what make sales transactions in our day such a smooth process. Wink Printer Solutions (formerly Wink Computer Services) was established and registered with the Department of Trade and Industry in October 18, 2005. Its Main Office is in San Miguel, Bulacan. The business concept came from the idea that companies are resorting to the use of refilled ink cartridges to save on printing costs. From ink refilling, it has since evolved and expanded to printer repair and conversion and retail of inks, printers, and printer peripherals. Wink has already disposed numerous printers to various corporate and individual customers. Wink PS has also serviced the printers of various individuals and businesses from inkjets to multi-functions. We are among the pioneers of the CHIPLESS PRINTERS in the Philippines. Products and Services : Wink PS offers wholesale prices for buyers/resellers who buy in bulk. Inks: We pride ourselves in the use of ONLY PREMIUM inks for all printers. We sell and use only premium dye inks in our efforts to promote â€Å"Ink-Use Awareness† to all printer-users. Not all inks are the same. They are made from different formulation using different raw materials. The unique formula of the ink allows them to conform to the majority of Epson, Canon, HP, Brother models, which produce the excellent color rendition, and gives a bright and juicy image–an excellent alternative to the original inks. The compatibility formula produces quality images and helps prolong the printer head. The printer head with our Premium Inks does not dry up within 3 months when in an idle printer. Continuous Ink Supply System (CISS) We have two kinds of tanks to suit customers’ preferences. Our Printers’ CISS come with stylish, elegant, clean tanks and PREMIUM DYE INKS. No tubes or hoses seen outside. The CISS is installed neatly, working seamlessly inside; no trace of hose can be seen when the printer’s cover is closed. The CISS is fixed on the side of the printer, yet when needed, the tanks can be easily pulled out. Printers: Wink is an authorized dealer of Epson, Canon, Brother, HP, Fuji, Samsung printers, copiers, and consumables. Repairs: Wink PS has been in the printer repair business for 5 years, servicing all kinds of printers and multi-functions of various corporate and individual customers in the process. From mechanical to technical problems, there are dedicated technicians who stop at nothing to make the units work. Wink PS thrives on customers’ trust. As such, it is our strictest policy never to â€Å"steal† any of the customer’s printer parts and transfer to others. We get parts from scrap printers that we buy in bulk from suppliers. Others: CISS accessories, Cartridges, Cleaning Solution, Transfer Papers. Feature of the Proposed System Editing of price Monitoring of database Lessen time spent on work on inputting of Sales and Inventory Backend support Automate your day-to-day business activities so that you can focus on selling and not on maintaining data. Gain complete visibility of your sales cycle. Align your sales efforts with business strategies and objectives. See all customer interactions and transactions View service issues, pending orders, overdue invoices These are the major advantages and disadvantage of both types of POS systems: Web-based POS Advantages The provider will back-up all of your important information on their server so you will not lose anything due to a computer crash or theft. You can access reports, inventory and other information from any computer with an internet connection. You do not have to purchase expensive POS software. Most services provide free updates so your POS program will never become outdated. Web-based POS programs are easy to upgrade. You can add features or work stations to fit your business as your business grows or during busy seasons. The provider can address technical problems instantly over the web by accessing your account and fixing problems remotely. Some even offer 24/7 support. Disadvantages Web-based POS providers charge a monthly fee. You have to have the internet connected to your retail workstation. Some providers require you to use their hardware, which can be expensive. If you lose your Internet connection, you will not be able to access the program. Some providers charge a startup fee. Software-based POS Advantages There are no monthly fees associated with the software. The software-based POS does not require an internet connection. You can use any hardware that is compatible with the software. Software-based programs are generally easy to set up and use. Disadvantages Some manufactures require you to purchase updates to keep your software current. You cannot upgrade the software. As your business grows, you will have to purchase new software or more licenses. You cannot access reports, inventory and other information from any computer with an internet connection. If you need technical support, you have to email or phone the manufacturer and relay the problem to them. How to cite Point of Sales and Inventory System, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Human Resource Management for Communication -myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theHuman Resource Management for Communication Skills. Answer: Introduction The recruitment and selection is one of the most important jobs of the human resource department, which is responsible for reduction of turnover in the company (Beardwell Thompson, 2014). The process of recruitment is concerned with the creation of a suitable pool of employees and selecting the best candidate from them. The organizations employ number of background checks as well as recruiting methods for employing the best possible candidate. These processes ensure that the organizational productivity is increased and the employees contribute to the organizational success (Beardwell Thompson, 2014). This is a changing business world and companies need to recruit people who are loyal, adaptable, confident, dependant and knowledgeable in their own aspects. There is also the requirement of good team bonding and good communication skills, which have become pre-requisites of getting employed in multinational companies. This essay would discuss some good literary works by implementing c ritical or analytical thinking. The corresponding HR theories and concepts would also be discussed. Discussion As defined by Beardwell and Thompson (2014), the strategic human resource management of the firm is concerned with the process of linking the social, human and the intellectual capital of the employees by fulfilling the strategic needs of the company. The screening process should be a powerful one in which the candidates are judged on the basis of what they can offer to the company (Beardwell Thompson, 2014). The company should use strong judgmental capabilities to determine the strategic fit of the concerned candidates and if they are able to fulfill the organizational goals. It is important to understand the job hopping tendency of the candidates, which is concerned with the tendency of the candidates in moving quickly from one job to the other (Chelladurai Kerwin, 2017). The recruiters should pay attention to the duration of the concerned candidates at their previous jobs as well as carefully monitor their references (Beardwell Thompson, 2014). This would make them retain these candidates for longer period of time by eliminating the employees who have a tendency of switching jobs frequently. As argued by (Brewster, Mayrhofer and Morley (2016), the employees gets demotivated if they are faced with a gradual decrease in their responsibility. In such instances, the employees feel insulted and they tend to disconnect with the organization. As opined by (Leong (2014), the Krumboltz theory focuses on the fact that there is a need of the people to change within the transforming labour market. The management of the life transitions is an important consideration in the career management skills of the employees. This theory focuses on the need of planned activities in recruitment process from the point of view of the candidates (Beardwell Thompson, 2014). The planned recruitment as well as selection of the employees would makes sure that they stay in the organization As opposed by Patton and McMahon (2014), the Hollands Theory of Career Choice, the employees are known to prefer jobs in which they find similar kind of people around them or there are employees in the organization, whom they like them (Beardwell Thompson, 2014). The employees choose job roles and prefer the work environments in which they would be able to use their abilities as well as skills in a better way. This theory is helpful in the recruitment and sele ction of the people in which the employees are free to express their values and attitudes, while they have an effective affinity between the environment and the personality (Beardwell Thompson, 2014). The employees who have favorable job environment in the organization are more likely to be loyal in the organization and this is because of the fact that the employees tend to enjoy their stay in the firm. The Holland theory is concerned with the personality types such as investigative, realistic, social, artistic, conventional and enterprising (Beardwell Thompson, 2014). It is presumed that while recruiting, if the candidates possess such qualities, then there would be less attrition rate of the organizations. The good recruitment as well as selection of the employees would lead to understanding of the attitudes and mind set of the employees (Call et al. 2015). The fresh talents should be scrutinized well and their value system should be measured. An effective HR would come to known if the employee is grounded enough and his individual objectives are aligned to the organizational objectives or not. The recruitment process prepares the candidates well so that they can perform their duties well in the organization (Beardwell Thompson, 2014). This would automatically lead to a subsequent decrease in the turnover level of the firm, since the employee is likely to continue in the organization for longer duration (Call et al., 2015). In the instance that the right candidate is not recruited, then it may result in the creation of chaos as well as imbalance in the organization. The recruitment process plays a vital role in creating balance as well as harmony in the organization. As commented by Breaugh (2017), an effective recruitment process would also enable the employees to understand if they would be able to work in the organization. The recruitment process should not only check the quality of the candidates, but it should also provide adequate information to the candidates regarding the organizational mission, values, culture and the reporting types (Call et al., 2015). This would also increase the chances of employee remaining in the organization for quite some years. This is because of the fact that if there is a match between the organization and the employees, then there would be positive recruitment and if the employee is unable to accept the terms and conditions of the employer, then he or she would simply not join the organization (Krueger Casey, 2014). This would automatically indicate the fact the organization would be having a stable and low attrition rate. As stated by Glaser (2017), the grounded theory methodology often helps the researchers in expanding the knowledge as well as application of the HR practices in the process of recruitment and retention. This theory enables the interviewers to let the candidates express freely and hence follow the path of the interview (Call et al., 2015). This kind of interview has no rigid structure and hence it leads to the development of new knowledge as well as comprehension. If the interviewee is subjected to more liberal approach in the interviews, then he or she should have the perception that the organization is considerate about them and would support them whenever required (Call et al., 2015). This would increase the overall employee satisfaction and there would be good organizational culture. This would also mean an increase in the productivity as well as loyalty factor of the employees (Gentles et al., 2014). The recruiter should be aware of the strengths as well as weakness of the employ ees so that they can be channelized in the right direction. This factor would also lead to less attrition rate of the employees as they would be enjoying their stay in the organization. The views of Palinkas et al. (2015) indicate that the recruitment and the selection process also implies the internal recruitment methods used. This primarily comprises of the internal promotion method selected and the transfer of the employees into more suitable job roles. The internal promotion is always positive for the company and it boosts the employee morale. If the internal recruitment is done in a correct manner, then it would surely affect the wellbeing of the employees and they would be delighted to perform better at the new job role (Call et al., 2015). This also implies the fact the employees would be satisfied to give higher productivity in their new job roles. This implies that the organization would be able to retain the employees for a longer duration. The recruitment process should make the business profitable and it should be efficient in the long run. This process should identify the candidate who would be useful for the organization in the long run (Call et al., 2015). The recruitment process should not only match the qualification of the candidates but it should also look for candidates who are aligned with the core values of the company (Bartneck et al., 2015). The recruited candidate should fit into the organizational culture in a perfect manner. The organizations should also look for the fact that if the concerned candidates are able to adjust with the organizational values. The organization should understand the fact that if there is improper recruitment and the selection of the wrong person, then there would be high turnover of the company. This would not only imply a great financial loss but it would also damage the reputation of the company. (Anitha, (2014) states that the recruitment process should enhance the career path of the employees. This is because of the fact that the job should be vital in shaping the career of the employee and this should act as the guiding factor. The positive attitude would help in the higher performance of the employees and hence there would be improved customer perceptions of the firm. The positive attitude would also mean that there would be enhanced customer satisfaction as more number of customers would be eager to purchase the products or services of the firm (Call et al., 2015). This also makes it sure that the employees are given perks and benefits, which would help them in increasing their motivation levels. This would also ensure that the employees would not be eager to leave the organization and join some other firms. Conclusion The recruitment and the selection process would comprise of the effective tactics that would be needed to deal with the process of attrition. It is important to make the employees stay for longer duration by providing those adequate facilities as well as career progression paths. The recruitment and the selection process would be altered so that it satisfies the interests of the firm in the best possible way. The organizations should strive to make more effective recruitment policies so that they are able to retain the candidates for longer time period. It is important for the companies to focus on retaining the new candidates for longer time period so that there is an overall increase in the organizational productivity. References Anitha, J. (2014). Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance.International journal of productivity and performance management. Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014).Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Bartneck, C., Duenser, A., Moltchanova, E., Zawieska, K. (2015). Comparing the similarity of responses received from studies in Amazons Mechanical Turk to studies conducted online and with direct recruitment.PloS one,10(4), e0121595. Beardwell, J., Thompson, A. (2014).Human resource management: a contemporary approach. Pearson Education. Breaugh, J. A. (2017). to Recruitment.The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Recruitment, Selection and Employee Retention, 12. Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W., Morley, M. (Eds.). (2016).New challenges for European resource management. Springer. Call, M. L., Nyberg, A. J., Ployhart, R. E., Weekley, J. (2015). The dynamic nature of collective turnover and unit performance: the impact of time, quality, and replacements.Academy of Management Journal,58(4), 1208-1232. Chelladurai, P., Kerwin, S. (2017).Human resource management in sport and recreation. Human Kinetics. Gentles, S. J., Jack, S. M., Nicholas, D. B., McKibbon, K. (2014). Critical approach to reflexivity in grounded theory.The Qualitative Report,19(44), 1-14. Glaser, B. (2017).Discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. Routledge. Krueger, R. A., Casey, M. A. (2014).Focus groups: A practical guide for applied research. Sage publications. Leong, F. (Ed.). (2014).Career development and vocational behavior of racial and ethnic minorities. Routledge. Mowday, R. T., Porter, L. W., Steers, R. M. (2013).Employeeorganization linkages: The psychology of commitment, absenteeism, and turnover. Academic press. Palinkas, L. A., Horwitz, S. M., Green, C. A., Wisdom, J. P., Duan, N., Hoagwood, K. (2015). Purposeful sampling for qualitative data collection and analysis in mixed method implementation research.Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research,42(5), 533-544. Patton, W., McMahon, M. (2014).Career development and systems theory: Connecting theory and practice(Vol. 2). Springer.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Softdrinks History free essay sample

Agri-Food Trade Service Softdrinks Industry: Another Side of a Filipinos Beverage Life1 2009 Ditas R. Macabasco Agribusiness Specialist Center for Food and Agri Business University of Asia and the Pacific Softdrinks, also known as carbonated drinks, cola, soda or pop, is one of the most consumed beverages in the country. Prior to the introduction of bottled water, ready-to-drink teas, ready-to-drink fruit juices, and other functional drinks, it was the usual choice of Filipino consumers in many parts of the country. Industry Definition A pending bill in Congress (House Bill 5039) defined carbonated drinks as â€Å"aerated potable water, whether or not it contains added sugar or other flavor sweeteners, and non-alcoholic beverages which are charged under pressure with carbon dioxide gas and are sold in bottles and other air-tight containers. † Just like other beverages, softdrinks are a popular thirst quencher in the country. Market Total household spending on non-alcoholic beverages reached P33. 3 billion in 2006 based on the latest Family Income and Expenditure Survey of the National Statistics Office. We will write a custom essay sample on Softdrinks History or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The figure was higher by 2. 9% per year from P30. 6 billion in 2003. In inflation-adjusted terms, expenditure grew by 7. 4% per annum during the period. The bulk of the spending may be attributed to softdrinks. Meanwhile, the total size of the softdrinks market in the country was estimated at 8,591 million liters in 2007, with projected growth of 7. 6% in 2008 to 9,241 million liters (www. euromonitor. com). The Players The softdrinks industry in the country consists of a handful of players. The market leader is Coca Cola, followed by Pepsi. The other smaller players include Virgin Cola, Zesto, and RC Cola. Coca Cola Bottlers Philippines Inc. (CCBPI) is now 100%-owned by The Coca Cola Company. The latter bought the entire 65% stake of San Miguel Corporation (SMC) in CCBPI in 2007 for US$590 million. The acquisition includes low-end softdrinks manufacturer Cosmos Bottling Corporation (CBC), which was acquired by SMC back in 2002, as well as Philippine Beverage Partners, Inc. , the company which distributes the products. Today, the companys carbonated brands in the market include Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Sprite, Sprite Light, and Royal, and CBC brands Pop Cola, Sarsi, Cheers, Lift, Jaz Cola, and Sparkle. Another player is Pepsi Cola Products Philippines, Inc. (PCPPI) which is 32. 9% owned by PepsiCo. PCPPIs brands in the market include Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Light, Pepsi Max, 7Up, Diet 7Up, Mountain Dew, Jazz, Mirinda, and Mug. The company went public early this year, the proceeds from which are intended mainly for expansion of its carbonated and non-carbonated beverages. Also in the softdrinks business is Interbev Corporation, a subsidiary of beer company Asia Brewery Inc. , which managed to secure a licensing agreement for Virgin Cola, a popular British brand, in 2004. Virgin Cola comes in four variants: regular, diet, lemon and lime. It competes with lower-priced brands in the market like Pop Cola, RC Cola and Jazz. Juice company Zesto Corporation has also entered the softdrinks market via Zesto Cola in 1994. Its product â€Å"challenged the market leaders in terms of taste, refreshing qualities and price. Zesto has since diversified its carbonated drinks line to include Zesto Cola Zero Cal, Rootbeer, Rootbeer Light, Twist, Squiz Orange, Squiz Grape, Dalandan Fruit Soda, Calamansi Fruit Soda, and Pomelo Fruit Soda. Yet another player is Asiawide Refreshments Corporation, which is the Philippines licensed bottling manufacturer and distributor of US brand RC Cola. The product is among the relatively low-priced brands in the local market. |Table 1. SOFTDRINKS: Key Industry Players | |Company |Brands |Coca Cola |Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Sprite, Sprite Light, Royal, Pop, Sarsi, Diet Sarsi, Lift, Cheers, | | |Jaz Cola, Sparkle | |Pepsi Cola |Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Light, Pepsi Max, 7Up, Diet 7Up, Mountain Dew, Jazz, Mirinda, Mug | |Interbev Corporation |Virgin Cola | |Zesto Corporation |Zesto Cola, Zesto Cola Zero Cal, Rootbeer, Rootbeer Light, Twist, Squiz Orange, Squiz Grape, | | |Dalandan Fruit Soda, Calamansi Fruit Soda, Pomelo Fruit Soda | |Asiawide Refreshments |RC Cola | |Corporation | | According to an industry report, CCBPI controls about 50% of the market for carbonated softdrinks in the country, followed by CBC with 23%, PCPPI with 17%, and the remaining 10% is shared by the other small players. Figure 1. Market shares of key players [pic] Source: AC Nielsen as cited by 2TradeAsia, January 2008 Distribution, Packaging and Pricing The softdrinks industry enjoys extensive distribution. The companies have manufacturing plants, warehouses, and sales offices located in various parts of the country. The distribution outlets include sari-sari stores, grocery stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants, hotels, resorts, canteens, movie theaters, amusement parks, and vending machines, among others. The products are sold in three types of packaging: returnable glass bottles, lift ring aluminum can, and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles. In the past, most softdrinks are packaged in glass bottles. Today, however, more and more companies are using PET bottles. The usual packaging sizes are 2 liters (li), 1. 5 li, 1 li, and 500 milliliters (ml) for PET; 8 ounces (237 ml), 12 ounces (355 ml), and 1 li for glass bottles; and 330 ml for aluminum cans. The usual packaging available in supermarkets, groceries and convenience stores are PET and aluminum cans. Those in glass bottles are usually sold in sari-sari stores. There are also institutional packs and dispensers for the food service industry. Prices vary depending on the brand, the variant, the type of packaging, the size, the type of outlet, the location, among others. In some supermarkets and sari-sari stores, retail prices ranged from P36. 00 – 49. 50 for a 2 li PET bottles, P29. 00 – 39. 50 for 1. 5 li PET bottles, P17. 50 – 21. 00 for 500 ml PET bottles, and P15. 95 – 22. 50 for 330 ml aluminum cans. |Table 2. Indicative Prices of Selected Softdrink Products, September 2008 | |Company |Brand |Packaging / Retail Price (P) | | | |2 li PET |1. li PET |500 ml PET |330 ml can | |Coca Cola |Coke | |34. 00 |21. 00 | | | |Coke Light |49. 50 |36. 75 | |20. 00 | | |Coke Zero |44. 95 |33. 50 | |22. 50 | | |Sprite | |35. 25 | |18. 50 | | |Sprite Ice | | | |18. 0 | | |Sprite Light | | | |21. 00 | | |Royal | |34. 50 |21. 00 |18. 50 | |CBC |Sarsi | |36. 00 | |21. 00 | | |Sarsi Light | |39. 50 | | | | |Sarsi Rootbeer Light | | |21. 0 | | |PCPPI |Pepsi | |34. 00 | |17. 50 | | |Pepsi Light | |34. 00 | | | | |Pepsi Max |36. 00 |29. 00 | |17. 50 | | |7Up | |33. 25 |20. 00 |17. 50 | | |Mountain Dew | |33. 25 |20. 0 |17. 50 | | |Mirinda | |33. 25 |20. 00 |17. 50 | | |Mug Rootbeer | |33. 50 | |17. 50 | |Zesto Corp. |Cola | |31. 00 |18. 50 | | | |Cola Zero | | | |14. 50 | | |Dalandan Soda | |30. 75 |17. 00 |17. 0 | | |Calamansi Soda |30. 75 |18. 25 | | | | |Diet | | | |17. 00 | | |Squiz | |29. 25 |17. 50 |14. 50 | | |Rootbeer | |31. 00 |17. 50 |15. 95 | |Asiawide Refreshments Corp. |RC Cola |   |31. 50 |   |15. 95 | Source: Selected supermarkets in Metro Manila SWOT Analysis The success of the softdrinks industry in the country hinges on several strengths (S). For one, many of the brands are well-established and have been in the market for several decades now. The local licensees also enjoy strong support from their mother companies abroad. The brands have also developed a loyal customer base. The companies have established manufacturing facilities and extensive distribution network all over the country. Further, the companies spend heavily on marketing and multi-media advertising. They also continuously pursue product innovations to cater to changing demands and lifestyles of the market. The products are also priced reasonably and there is a wide array of choices for the consumers. In terms of weaknesses (W), sales have been declining in recent years due to the growing health and wellness concerns among consumers, which lead them to shy away from sugar-loaded softdrinks. In addition, rising costs of ingredients, packaging materials and energy exert pressure on the companies bottomlines. Meanwhile, an opportunity (O) for growth is the development of new variants of carbonated drinks to take advantage of the growing trend on health consciousness. These could include low calorie, low sugar, no sugar and fruit-flavored variants. In addition, the increasing incidence of eating out among Filipino families also presents an opportunity as it may translate to more orders of carbonated drinks. There are also threats (T) brought about by intensifying competition in the market, not only within the industry itself but also coming from other non-carbonated beverages such as bottled water, ready-to-drink teas, fruit juices, fitness waters, sports drinks, among others. The shift in consumer preferences towards beverages tied to health and wellness also pose a threat. Scarcity and quality of water, which is a vital input in the manufacturing process, are also key concerns to watch out for. Rising consumer prices is also a threat in that it could lead consumers to cut back on â€Å"unnecessary† expenses. |Table 3. SWOT Analysis of the Philippine Softdrinks Industry | |Strengths |Weaknesses | |Established brands |Declining sales | |Strong relationship with mother companies abroad |Rising costs of ingredients and packaging materials | |Highly loyal consumers |Increasing energy costs | |Established manufacturing platform | | |Extensive distribution network | | |Heavy marketing and advertising expenditure | | |Continuous product nnovations | | |Affordable | | |Wide variety of products | | |Opportunities |Threats | |Introduction of new variants (low calorie, low sugar, zero|Intense competition within the industry itself and from other | |sugar) |non-carbonated beverages | |Increasing incidence of eating-out |Shift in consumer preferences towards beverages tied to health and | |   |wellness | | |Scarcity and quality of water (a key ingredient in manufacturing) | | |Rising consumer prices | Prospects The softdrinks industry is faced with challenging times. According to industry reports, sales have not been as brisk as in the past as consumers shift to healthier (less sugar-laden) alternatives like bottled water, fruit juices and teas. Rising food and fuel prices have also weakened consumer demand. Recently, a bill was filed in Congress for the imposition of a 20% excise tax on soft drinks, energy drinks and non-carbonated beverages. House Bill 5039 actually seeks to amend Section 150 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 by expanding the coverage of goods levied with a 20% excise tax to include the said beverages. It seeks to curb the excessive intake of such beverages, and at the same time, generate about P5 billion a year in added revenues for the government. If this bill is passed, it will be another setback for the industry which is still grappling with difficult market conditions. Inspite of these, the outlook for the industry remains optimistic. Softdrinks have managed to survive tougher times in the past. And they will continue to be a popular segment of the beverage industry since they have become a part of the diet of many Filipinos. Nonetheless, to enhance consumer demand, players are actively pursuing promotional activities such as tie-ups with value meals of popular fastfood chains, restaurants as well as pizza chains, sponsorship of events, setting up of booths in schools/club fairs, conduct of contests, provision of free softdrinks in some events, among others. They are also conducting massive multi-media advertising campaigns and price cuts, as well as continuous research and development, and product introductions. Their aggressive efforts in reviving interest in the product are slowly paying off. According to reports, while sales of the regular softdrink products have been broadly flat, the demand for the new variants (e. g. sugar free, low sugar, zero sugar, fruit-flavored) have been posting good growth. And it is likely that these new variants will continue to drive growth in the coming years.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Case Scenario Interdepartmental Relations

Case Scenario Interdepartmental Relations Introduction Literary, every organization has different departments involved in performance of different activities relating to the organization. These departments are mainly involved in the management, marketing of the company’s product, and production, among others. All these departments must collectively work towards helping in improving the income of the company.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Case Scenario: Interdepartmental Relations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The organizational culture usually determines how the various departments function to improve the productivity of the company. Moreover, communication and interpersonal relationship between the various members of the departments is therefore a very vital aspect, which determines the success or failure of the company. The Fortune 500 Company The company has been performing considerably well as evidenced by its ranking in the Fortune 500. How ever, there is a communication breakdown in the company’s various departments. These problems threaten the financial profitability of the company, and they should therefore be averted before they have far-reaching effects on the company. Conflict scenario There is a conflict between the various departments in the organization; for instance, there is a lack of cohesion between various departments involved in the production of products. Each department is trying to outdo the other, and hence show its importance to the company. For example, the sales department looks down upon the manufacturing department and is of the view that the latter department does not understand the needs of the customers of the company. On the other hand, the manufacturing department is of the view that it is not being consulted in the design of the company’s products; the department is of the view that its work is beyond just implementing the ideas that other departments come up with. The financ e department on the other hand, puts pressure on the sales department and does not facilitate their working so that they may achieve their set targets. The company also has a problem due to the incompatibility of the goals of the different departments of the organization (Daft, 2009, p. 494). The finance department is mainly concerned with the attainment of the sales targets for the marketing department, whereas the sales department is mainly concerned with the sale of the product, hence making it to have prejudice on the manufacturing department. Problems:Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Competition for recognition between the different departments Lack of teamwork within the departments Laying the blame on other departments Reasons for the problems: Lack of consultation of the relevant departments Lack of teamwork in the company Solutions to the problems Var ious strategies can assist the company to devise methods for solving the problems. One of the methods is through the enhancement of communication channels of the organization so as to help improve the cohesion between the members of the different departments. The company can also help to improve the teamwork of different departments in the organization by facilitating active participation of various relevant departments, which are involved in the development of the new products for the company. Solution strategies The main problem that the company faces is the conflict between the manufacturing and the marketing department. The problems facing the two departments should first be solved before tackling the differences between the finance and the marketing department. These problems mainly arise due to the lack of appreciation of the work done by the other departments. The lack of appreciation of the work by the other department is mainly brought about by ignorance of specific departm ent on the work that the other department does. The strategy employed would mainly be to enhance the mutual respect of other departments in the organization. To help in solving the problem, the company should ensure that the departments that are in conflict are in mutual agreement of the strategy, which would be employed to solve the problems they face (Marsen, n.d. p 23). Mutual agreement also helps in creation of a situation where none of the parties perceives itself as the winner and the other as the looser in the conflict. This leads to the creation of a win-win situation for both parties, thus enhancing the productivity of the departments (Rahim, 2001, p. 166). Moreover, mutual agreement will also encourage the active participation of different department in the chosen strategy. The strategy will mainly involve enlightening of members of the departments on the activities undertaken in the other departments. The company should create strategies, which will enable the engineers t o have knowledge on marketing, while the marketing department should be given some knowledge of engineering (Tutek and Ay, n.d. p. 549).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Case Scenario: Interdepartmental Relations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Knowledge of the other departments will help in reduction of the disagreements between the two groups and in effect, help in solving the problems that the department faces. In addition, the company should ensure that it takes measures to ensure that the marketers receive training on the characteristics of the products and the processes involved in manufacturing of the products. The company should also ensure that the engineers receive training on the needs of the customers and their preferences, as well as the various marketing skills involved in making of the products, which the company specializes in. This will help in solving the differences between the two departments, h ence enabling them to speak in a common language (Tutek and Ay, n.d. p. 545). Solution of the problems in the manufacturing and marketing departments will help the company to achieve its target sales, as there would be better coordination of activities involving the marketing and the manufacturing department, hence leading to the satisfaction of the finance department. The strategy used in the solution of the problem between the manufacturing and the marketing department can also be employed in the treatment of problem between the finance and the marketing department. However, the ideal time for the employment of the strategy is after tackling the problem, which faces the manufacturing and marketing department. Tackling of all the problems at the same time, would complicate the problems that the company faces, as it would most likely lead to vilification of the marketing department by the manufacturing and finance department. How to avoid the future occurrence of the problem The com pany can ensure that the conflicts are avoided in future by facilitating better communication between different departments of the organization. The better communication and mutual respect for the work done by different department should be integrated into the organization culture of the company. In addition, instilling the practices into the organization culture will enable the company to remain true to the above values (CommGAP, n.d. p. 4). The company can instill this into the organizational culture through regular and occasional training of the members of different departments on the activities of other departments. This will enable the members of the different departments to work as a unit for the attainment of the basic objectives of the company. References Communication for Governance and Accountability Program (CommGAP). (N.d). Organizational communication. Retrieved from Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Daft, R.L. (2009). Organization theory and design. OH: Cengage learning. Retrieved from Marsen, S. (N.d). Organizational Communication. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from Rahim M. A. (2001). Managing conflict in organizations. CT: Greenwood Publishing Group. Retrieved from Tutek, H. and Ay, C. (N.d.) Resolving conflict between marketing and engineering: A quest fo r effective integration. Celar Bayar University, faculty of Economics and business administration. Retrieved from

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Lottery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

The Lottery - Essay Example ear of the evil spirits.† The game of selective homicide begins and the main culprits get somewhat backing from the other villagers as if it were a status issue. Analyzing this â€Å"lottery†, Jackson describes the events of sacrifices and states, â€Å"It would seem, therefore, that the lottery is tied to the people’s work ethic and productive way of life.† (Jackson, 23) I could correlate this story with a real event in my locality. One day, police arrested a couple Mr. and Mrs. Gomes who lived in an apartment near our house. Later, we realized that Mr. Gomes had charges on him of physically abusing his stepdaughter. And to our horror, we also realized that Mrs. Gomes had supported her husband in doing this. Thus, instead of protesting, Mrs. Gomes took part in the exploitation of the poor girl. Maybe, this was an attempt on her part to maintain her status in the household and impress her husband, since he was the only earning member. â€Å"The Lottery† is actually a serious literary work that tries to discover why we sometimes form institutions and enjoy humiliating others through it. It is not merely a nice TV show script †¦ It provides a gateway towards complicated